
2017-11-04 17:39:17, by Tomo Krajina

Edit here!



2011-09-07 14:47:26, by guest

The origins of the settlement lie in the Roman stronghold of Castrum Vallis, built by Caius Pulcrus to protect the salt-pan road from Pula to Poreč. Its rich local architecture and the Istrian…

bale istra


2011-02-05 21:09:49, by Tomo Krajina

The origins of the settlement lie in the Roman stronghold of Castrum Vallis, built by Caius Pulcrus to protect the salt-pan road from Pula to Poreč. Its rich local architecture and the Istrian…

bale istra marina karla


2011-01-23 21:40:04, by Tomo Krajina

Another quick family hike in southern Istria. This time around the little town of Bale. We wanted to do one of the trekking paths but it was too cold... So we shortened it a little bit.

bale istra marina karla