Mirror Lake




Map & imagery © OpenStreetMap contributors


This was a very popular hike and I was with a fairly large group too, but the lake was beautiful and well worth it. I chose to go on to the summit and this afforded a wonderful view of Mt. Hood and the surrounding countryside. I'd definitely recommend this trail.

Track info

2d length: 10.14km
3d length: 11.71km
Total speed: 3kmh
Moving speed: 5kmh
Total time: 03:53:06
Max speed: 5.52kmh
Time stopped: 01:38:16
Time moving: 02:14:50
Start time: 2012-09-15 17:55:46
End time: 2012-09-15 21:50:21
Uphill: 1249m
Downhill: 1271m
Max elevation: 1510m
Min elevation: 1045m