




The origins of the settlement lie in the Roman stronghold of Castrum Vallis, built by Caius Pulcrus to protect the salt-pan road from Pula to Poreč. Its rich local architecture and the Istrian language spoken by the older population make this place an attractive destination. This is a short walk in thesurroundings of Balle.

Track info

2d length: 13.91km
3d length: 14.25km
Total speed: 3kmh
Moving speed: 5kmh
Total time: 05:24:05
Max speed: 5.29kmh
Time stopped: 02:14:18
Time moving: 03:09:47
Start time: 2011-02-05 10:00:23
End time: 2011-02-05 15:24:28
Uphill: 480m
Downhill: 467m
Max elevation: 205m
Min elevation: 20m